
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Future of Work

 Artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it is seen as a boon that will propel us, Jetson-like, into a century  of self-driving cars, drones and perpetual leisure; but it is also viewed as a bane that will deprive most of us of a job and, consequently, an income. History suggests that the truth is somewhere in-between, that AI will create opportunities even as it displaces jobs; but only if there is a fundamental restructuring of the way people go about their business. The world has been divided into nation-states since the Treaty of Westphalia. In recent years it has become somewhat axiomatic to assert that those nation-states and the borders that divide them have become almost irrelevant. In the words of Parag Khanna, "The 21st century will not be dominated by America or China, Brazil or India, but by the city. In an age that appears increasingly unmanageable, cities rather than states are becoming the islands of governance from which the futu...